Terima kasih banyak telah berkunjung, dan jangan ragu untuk kembali lagi untuk melihat perkembangan terbaru!
Luck: berhubungan pendapatan CAPS saat mendapat resource, Menurunkan tingkat Incident saat Rush, Meningkatkan kemungkinan Critical Rate
merupakan Character npc yang kita kelola/atur agar kehidupan di vault sesuai dgn harapan kita.
Jumlah penghuni (Dwellers) di dalam Vault dapat memicu serangan atau kejadian tertentu. Berikut adalah penjelasannya:
- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Station dengan biaya 250.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Station dengan biaya 500.
Upgrade Power Plant:- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Plant dengan biaya 750.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Plant dengan biaya 1500.
Nuclear Reactor
merupakan penghasil listrik, ruangan ini akan terbuka jika sudah memiliki .... Dwaller
1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2700,
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Advanced Reactor 3000 / 6000
Super Reactor 18000
Fungsi: Menghasilkan makanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dwaller di Vault.Biaya Pembangunan: Meningkat secara bertahap sebesar 25 untuk setiap pembangunan baru. Contoh biaya: 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, dan seterusnyaUpgrade Restaurant:
- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 250.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 500.
Upgrade Cafeteria:- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 750.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya .
tingkatan lebih tinggi dari Dinner, dapat dibuka jika memenuhi jumlah Dwaller. dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Water Treatment.
Fungsi: Menghasilkan air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dwaller di Vault.Biaya Pembangunan: Meningkat secara bertahap sebesar 25 untuk setiap pembangunan baru. Contoh biaya: 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, dan seterusnyaUpgrade Water Treatment Station:
- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 250.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 500.
Upgrade Water Treatment Plant:- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 750.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan biaya 1500.
Stronge Room
ruang penyimpanan: 300, 375, 450, 525, 600, 675, 750, 825, 900, 975, 1050, 1125, 1200, 1275, 1350, 1425, 1500, 1575
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
ruangan utk pembuatan item penyembuhan darah Dweller: 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500,
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Clinic. 1000 / 2000
Science Lab
pembuatan item utk healing dari Radiasi : 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Science Station.1000
. 3000
Radio Studio
penyiar Radio, untuk hiburan dan memungkinan mendapatkan Dwaller baru: 600, 750, 900, 1050
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Upgrade Radio Station :
- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Station dengan biaya 1500.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Plant dengan biaya xxx.
Upgrade Radio xxx:- Per Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Station dengan biaya xxx.
- Per 3 Ruangan: Dapat ditingkatkan menjadi Power Plant dengan biaya xxx.
Overseer office
overseer control station 3500
Weapon Workshops
pembuatan senjata: 800,
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
tier 2(45 D). 1400
Wapon Factory. 8000
Outfit workshop
membuat pakaian, 1200
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Outfit Factory 12000
Weight Room
peningkatan statistik Strong. 600, 750, 900
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Gym. 1500 /
4500 /
Pengingkatan Penetration. 600, 750, 900
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Weapon Station 3000
Weapon Center 9000
Athletic Room
Pengingkatan Agility. 600, 750, 900
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Athletic Studio, 1500 /
Athletic Center, 4500 /
meningkatkan Intelligent. 600, 750, 900
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
School 3000
Academy 9000
Fitness Room
menibgkatkan Endurance. 600, 750, 900,
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Fitness Studio, / 3000
Fitness Center / 9000
600, 750,
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
Game room
600, 750,
dapat di upgrade per ruangan / 3 ruangan menjadi:
1500 /
Destroy Rock.
harga pembersihan batu memiliki pola yang tetap dan akan bertambah sebanyak "25" di setiap lantai. dengan kelipatan: 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, dst
Lucky, anjing yng berguna meningkatkan keberhasilan dari Rush pada ruangan.
Quest a
a. Lexington. (War)
b. Sanctuary.
c. Concord.
d. Beloit.
Quest b
a. Marcy Long.
b. Sturges. (War)
c. Codsworth.
d. My aunt Tilly.
Quest c
a. Red Rover. (War)
b. Spot.
c. Dogmeat.
d. The President.
Quest c
a. Thanksgiving.
b. Halloween.(Caps
c. Labor Day.
d. Shrove Tuesday.
Quest L (Pertanyaan
a. On an armored train. (X)
b. In an airship.
c. On an aircraft carrier.
d. Donkeys. Lots of donkeys.
a. Paladin Dance.
b. Scribe Haylen.
c. Paladin Danse and Scribe Haylen.
d. A donkey. (X)
a. Power Armor.(get caps
b. Gauss Rifles.
c Robots.
d Armored donkeys.
a. Mega nuke. (X)
b. Beryllium agitator.
c. Liberty Prime's head.
d. A donkey.
Quest Labor Dispute 5 (Rubarb' Reckoning)
a. You're darn right you will!
b. Okay. But you mess up, and it's banishment to the Wasteland! (Get Dweller)
c. You sure? No funny business?
d. I hope you're ready for extra shifts. A LOT of extra shifts...
a. Well doesn't that just figure.
b. Feral Ghouls? Okay, no worries. We'll clean them out!
c. Ghoul extermination isn't a problem. For a price...(Get Caps)
d. You know, I'm starting to think Vault-Tec skimped on internal security.
a. Cool. (Nothing)
b. No. So totally NOT cool.
c. Fine. But where is Overseer Chang?
d. Ya bunch o' cowards! Can you at least lend a hand?
a. Yup.
b. Fight? No! I'm here to rescue you...(Safe)
c. You're a disgrace to Vault-Tec! Darned right we fight!
d. Tell you what. Hand over something cool, and we don't have to throw down.
Quest Labor Dispute!
a. Pfft! Please. Rescuing? This is nothing but Raiders raiding. And it ends here!
b. You know, for a Raider, your vocabulary is exemplary.
c. Get a job, you bum!
d. If I asked you to just chill out and not attack us... would you? (Safe)
a. No way! We're not letting you scumbags get away with any Brotherhood tech.(War)
b. Alright alright, just calm down. We were never here, we didn't see anything...
c. No problem. As long as you share some of those whatsits with us.
Quest Nobbed from Nuka-World 04 (PET Peeve)
a. I apologize. I'm just trying to find Bottle & Cappy. (Safe)
b. Just tell me where Bottle & Cappy went, you weirdo!
c. If you don't tell me where Bottle & Cappy went, you'll join your "pets."
d. Were Bottle & Cappy here?
Quest Nobbed from Nuka-World 03(
a. I don't want to fight. I'm just looking for Bottle & Cappy.
b. Tell me where they went or I'll kill you where you stand! (War)
c. I'm here for Bottle & Cappy, not to bother a bunch of ugly Ghouls.
d. Have you seen Bottle & Cappy?
Quest Searching in The Dark 06 (My Friend are Electric)
a dunno about this...
b. Hmm, you seem alright. Sure thing!(Get Dwaller)
c. Ugh, no way. We'll be fine on our own.
Quest Dog Gone
a. We don't have any of those things, moron. Now hand over the dog!
b. I've got your guns right here!
c. We bring something better: the gift of knowledge. Give us the dog, and we'll teach you to write. (Safe)
d. You're gravely mistaken. That isn't even our dog.
a. Ugh whatever. Prepare to meet your maker, you walking toaster!
b. We went through a lot to get here. We are not leaving empty handed. (War
c. Did you say Vault-Tec? But uh, we're from Robco... yeah! RobCo! Here's my ID!(Safe, dipersilahkan lewat)
d. Ok ok, we're going. Just let us... uh... grab this computer we definitely brought and we'll go!
a. Ugh. Fine. What do we need to do?
b. Gladly! What can we do to help?(Percakapan dan Quest lanjutan)
c. Dang it, we've got questions! And you're going to answer them!
Quest Broadsides 1
a. How did you get ahold of a copy of the Bugle? (Menjelaskan tentang Bugle dari shelter lain)
b. So you can get in the Bugle by kicking butt and taking names?(penjelasan)
a. Maybe for you!
b. Wait! Can't we talk this out like civilized beings?
c. Hey how about we just go and leave you alone, then you leave us alone?
d. I think we can all get along! We can help each other! (War)
Quest Power Struggle (Ghoul in Black)
a. Hey no problem! If you need a spot to hole up, we've got one.(percakapan, get Dwaller)
b. They were in my way. Man, you might wanna stick to the shadows...
cerita; dia tertinggal saat kawan kawannya melarikan diri saat sedang syuting film horror
a. kamu bisa bergabung dengan vault kami (mendapatkan Dwellers)
b. mungkin kedepannya kamu bisa memilih keputusan yang lebih baik.
cerita; bertemu dua orang dengan kostum Star Wars, menyuruh mu agar jgn bergerak, dan menanyakan identitas mu
a. Nightmare, Your Worst.
b. I'm just a Vault Dweller exploring the Wasteland. (nothing)
c. Well, we all feel safer with you guys around.(get satu gift dan item lt 1)
selanjutnya saat kamu harus turun kebawah untuk menenangkan ketegangan disana
1. Friend. I killed those Brotherhood doofuses for you.( get caps dan hadiah lainnya)
2. Foe, fo' sho!
3. You know what? I don't really care about your little spot. (nothing)
Supermarket / Super Duper mart
Apa kamu disini untuk mencuri Sugar Bom?
a. Ah, Sugar Bombs. Now with 100% daily allowance of... death! (War)
b. Didn't your momma ever teach you to share? (War)
c. Sugar Bombs? Those things'll kill ya. But let me give you a shortcut.
d. Nah. Those things give me the jitters. I'm just here to kill you.(War)
Super Duper mart
semuanya merujuk ke war, hanya tanggapan berbeda
a. Cram? Seriously? (War)
b. Ooooh. I love me some Cram. Don't mind if I do.(War)
c. You do realize that stuff is, like, 200 years old?(War)
d. I don't want it, honest. But I do want to kill you. Soooo...
Red Rocket
a. Long enough. Spikes and leather are totally in by the way. (War)
b. You said it. Those pants do you no favors. (War)
c. I don't know, I think you look good. (War karena Dwaller terlihat bodoh) .
d. You're a Raider. Who cares? (War)
Super Duper Mart
a. Oh. Well... no. I'm here to kill you, actually.
b. I'm just here to get me some tasty grub. (War)
c. Well. You're, um... not what I expected. (War)
d. O great. A foodie. How pretentious.
Super Duper mart
a. Maybe one day, but I don't think I'm ready yet.(mendapatkan kompensasi, robot
b. Heck no! I'd rather stay in my Vault.
c. I was never cut out to be a soldier.
d. No way! Soldiers caused this mess in the first place.
Abandoned Cabin
a. You guys know I can see you, right?
b. I feel a sudden urge to shoot that area of empty space, right there.
c. I'm going to pretend I didn't see and hear that.( Safe )
a. No, I think I'll just stay and take what I want.(War)
b. All right, I'll just show myself out, then.(mendapatkan gift, dan item lt. 1)
c. Come on, can't you guys share anything here? (mendapatkan gift, dan item lt. 1)
Red Rocket (pertanyaan soal quiz
a. The Brotherhood of Steel?
b. lonizing radiation? (dpt dua Hadiah)
c. The Mysterious Stranger?
d. I don't know, and I don't care.
Quest all Seles Final
a. So, is there any food left here at all?
b. Just give us your food.
c. Sorry to trouble you. We're looking for these ingredients. (get 1 gift)
Quest Stop the Presses (Zines from the commonwealth 7/7)
a. We'll take the Caps. Just keep your Raiders away from our Vault!
b. Lying is lying and people are dying! We're here to stop you! (War)
Red Rocket
a. I'm just here for the loot.
b. Can I get unleaded on pump number two? (War)
c. Sorry, my Vault's all full. You'll have to go somewhere else.(War)
d. Don't mind me, I'll be on my way. (War)
Super Duper Mart percakapan
a. Sorry, I don't work here.(safe)
b. I don't think you're going to find those here..(Safe)
c. Sorry, we stopped carrying those a couple hundred years ago.(safe) valid
a. Who is Nana?
b. Is that your grandmother? (menjawab ya, dan menjelaskan sedikit
a. What's going on here?
b. I was totally invited... (War)